Update: If you are working with the newest versions of SQL Server, you can use the windowing functions to accomplish the same thing. I posted the updated code at the end of the post. For this video, I still like the thought process of anchoring to a date.
Video: 3 Day Moving Average in SQL
An efficient way to calculate a moving average in SQL using a few tricks to set date anchors.
There are debates on the best way to do a SQL Moving Average in SQL Server.
Some people think there are times when a cursor is most efficient. Other’s think that you can do it all in a set-based way without the cursor.
The other day I was going to calculate a moving average and my first thought was to use a cursor.
I did some quick research and found this forum question: Moving Average in TSQL
There is a post that shows a subquery with an anchor date to help find the 1 and 2 day offset.
Here is the script you can use to test the 3 day SQL Moving Average final result.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[daily_sales]( [id] [int] NULL, [dt] [datetime] NULL, [revenue] [decimal](12, 2) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO INSERT [dbo].[daily_sales] ([id], [dt], [revenue]) VALUES (1, CAST(0x0000A15700000000 AS DateTime), CAST(125.00 AS Decimal(12, 2))) GO INSERT [dbo].[daily_sales] ([id], [dt], [revenue]) VALUES (2, CAST(0x0000A15800000000 AS DateTime), CAST(114.00 AS Decimal(12, 2))) GO INSERT [dbo].[daily_sales] ([id], [dt], [revenue]) VALUES (3, CAST(0x0000A15900000000 AS DateTime), CAST(92.00 AS Decimal(12, 2))) GO INSERT [dbo].[daily_sales] ([id], [dt], [revenue]) VALUES (4, CAST(0x0000A15A00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(152.00 AS Decimal(12, 2))) GO INSERT [dbo].[daily_sales] ([id], [dt], [revenue]) VALUES (5, CAST(0x0000A15B00000000 AS DateTime), CAST(48.00 AS Decimal(12, 2))) GO
Here is the final query.
SELECT DATEADD(DAY, days_since_1900, '19000101') AS dt, AVG(revenue) AS Revenue_3_day_moving_average FROM ( select DATEDIFF(DAY, '18991230', dt) AS days_since_1900 ,revenue ,0 as Actualdate from daily_sales UNION ALL select DATEDIFF(DAY, '18991231', dt) AS days_since_1900 ,revenue ,0 as Actualdate from daily_sales UNION ALL select DATEDIFF(DAY, '19000101', dt) AS days_since_1900 ,revenue ,1 as Actualdate from daily_sales ) AS daily_sales_normalized_to_1900 GROUP BY days_since_1900 HAVING MAX(Actualdate) = 1 ORDER BY dt
Here is the query you would use with SQL Server 2012.
select dt, avg(revenue) OVER ( ORDER BY dt ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW ) FROM daily_sales
The original Youtube video: SQL Moving Average
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